Migrate Your Website to MemberVault

It's time to migrate your website to MemberVault...

...and you don't have to do it alone! Get the step-by-step guide on how to transition to your new home.

It's awesome that you've chosen (or are considering) MemberVault as your main online home.

I probably don't need to sell you on the benefits of migrating to MemberVault, but here are a few that come to mind:

A more streamlined tech stack so no more juggling multiple platforms 

A better navigation experience for your audience with everything under one main link

A more cost-effective solution for your business (both time and money)

There's also the more seamless branded experience, simplified analytics gathering and more. That's without talking about the good stuff MemberVault has to offer too.

P.s. The simpler tech stack was the deal clincher for me when I migrated from WordPress - more details of my journey inside the guide.

What's on offer?

I started putting this resource together after helping a few clients with their migration.  But, it wasn't until I did my migration that it really came to live!

In the DIY version, you get step-by-step guidance for the whole migration journey. You can also opt-in for a tech review before you click the "Go Live" button for that extra piece of mind.

In the "Done-for-you" version, I handle all the tech for you and guide you on the content migration if applicable - perfect if you are on a capacity crunch or you don't do tech.

The flow looks something like:

Notes with Pen to represent Prep for migration to MemberVault
Migration Prep

You know what they say about planning for success - so that's where you'll start.

MemberVault Prep

You need to get MemberVault ready to house the content and to look the part.

The Migration

This is when you move content across to MV along with accompanying tech/systems 

Notes with Pen to represent post migration tasks to MemberVault
Post-Migration Activities

These are the final tasks to complete the migration so you can start using MV to the full

What's inside?

Detailed written instructions guiding throughout the process with, screenshots and other media where visuals are needed. Video content may be added in future but with how fast tech changes, it's easier to update a screenshot with up-to-date content than a video

A fast track route if you have a fast-approaching deadline so you can get the core tasks done in time

Support checkpoints for questions as you go - handy for getting unstuck quickly  

I share my own journey so if you are moving from WordPress then you'll probably be walking in my (documented) shoes

Audio playlist so you can listen along as you work - I am contemplating a body-double format so you have virtual company if you prefer this for motivation *COMING SOON*

An optional add-on to get a tech setup review from me before you launch!

I've also added some nice-to-haves like sample scripts to use if you need to contact support.  I've probably forgotten to mention something so if you have specific questions, check out the FAQs at the end.

Who dis?

Hey, I'm Vicky (Victoria). You may have seen me in the MemberVault Collaborative Facebook group and answering all sorts of questions - especially the techy ones (I even have the group expert badge). So, yeah, I know a thing or 2 about MemberVault.

Having helped others move to MV (and made the move myself from WordPress), I've collated all my learnings into this handy, comprehensive guide. And it would be rude not to share it with you :D

Migration FAQs

How techy do I need to be?
For the techy sections, you'll find step-by-step instructions with screenshots (if applicable) so if you are OK with following instructions for tasks outside of your comfort zone, then you should be fine. There's also the tech review add-on that you can tap into if it gets tricky.

How long does the migration take?
This depends on a few factors - like the volume & complexity of the content you're moving across and your availability. I did mine in a weekend so I would say that as a rough minimum. I've found that those on a hard deadline always make it fit somehow. Oh and there's the fast track option to 

How does the done-for-you option work?
As everyone's tech stack is different, you need to submit an enquiry with details of your setup first. I review this and let you know the actual cost (sample pricing on the enquiry page to avoid surprises).

I've got more questions
Send them via contact@thrivewithtech.com.

Let's get migrating!

Choose the best option for you

Do It Yourself - The Guide

This is the self-paced version with everything you need to know about transitioning to MemberVault - £27/$33

Done For You - The Service

I map out the migration, sort out all the tech tasks and guide you on the content migration - from £120/$150

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