Blog 3 ways MemberVault can help you grow your email list

3 ways MemberVault can help you grow your email list


List building is one of the most popular topics I speak about and I love it! The tech, the strategy, the psychology - there are just so many juicy elements to it. When you through in Membervault, then you get an even more delicious recipe. So let's get to it!

3 easy ways to build your list with MemberVault

  1. Set up a freebie product if you don't already have one. Doesn't have to be 50-page ebook. Could be answers to your top 5 FAQs. Throw them into a template in Canva and boom! Done and dusted.
  2. Add a sign-up form or button to your blog sidebar in MemberVault (or in the middle of the post to get more attention)
  3. Promote your freebie or newsletter signup page in the Announcement bar

For something a little more advanced, you could add a pop up to specific posts to draw attention. I am not a massive fan of generic, site-wide popups. But on relevant products, pages or blog posts, it can work wonders!

See the 3 points in action

  1. My most popular freebie: Getting started with Email Marketing
  2. My blog sidebar - you are currently reading it so look sideways or scroll down to see the button if on a mobile device. (I'd embedded a form previously but then people wouldn't see the landing page for it!)
  3. Announcement bar - I don't currently have it enabled but I will add a screenshot when I do

Over to you to take some action!

Live workshop with me - 6th April

Join me at 19:30GMT/13:30EST for an interactive session on using MemberVault to grow your list.

Need more hands-on help to up your MemberVault game?

I love helping people figure out how to maximise MemberVault for their business.


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Not Just Another Email List!

Want to get emails that you might actually want to read? I've gotten lots of lovely feedback about my emails - easy to read, action-packed and fun too. Don't worry, it's not one of those daily, inbox-filling affairs!

About Me & the Tech Hub

Image of Vicky Coded Vector

I'm Vicky and I'm on a mission to make tech less scary! I can get your systems up and running with as little tech fuss as possible or teach you how to do it yourself (or for others if you're a VA)!

In the Tech Hub you'll find freebies, DIY courses, done-with-you training sessions, and I can also take it completely off your hands.

My zone of awesomeness is around websites, email marketing and getting systems to behave nicely together.

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